Our FHL event has grown by almost 7X since our first FHL in 2015!
When we found a venue that not only could make the perfect accommodations for an event this big, but our attendees loved their experience at the location and hotel... we decided to go back to Nashville a 2nd time!
The Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center was a perfect venue to hold our massive event, and it meant so much that we could all be under one roof, with everyone together in the same big ballroom!
I crafted 6 brand new presentations for the event, and hand-picked 16 brilliant speakers (some we kept a total surprise until they walked out on stage!)…
Every detail, every decision of the event was made with care, because I wanted to weave all the speakers’ important messages together to create an immersive 4-day experience:
We talked about how to create art that lasts far beyond itself, so that you have a legacy that you can impact those you serve for many years to come…
And we talked about how to “design-hack” funnels, and how to create true funnel freedom (so that you don’t feel CHAINED to your business!)
I gave a powerful speech that spoke directly to something most of us have gone through at some point - How To Fix Your Funnel When You Think It Is BROKEN.
After that, we heard from a line-up of speakers sharing their different funnels and unique strategies that brought them success.
This day was dedicated to TRAFFIC, and how to fill your funnels with new visitors, so you can turn them into leads (and eventually paying customers!) We learned how to batch large amounts of content for social media in just a few days, and what makes videos go viral.
We talked about a common thread that had been weaved into many of our speakers’ presentations that was at the core of helping them to be able to scale and create more impact.
Ironically - it was SIMPLICITY.
I wanted everyone to walk away from this event knowing that you don’t have to overcomplicate things. You don’t have to do MORE things and burn yourself out in order to grow your income and impact. You can get results and keep your process SIMPLE. When you simplify your business, you’ll be more able to shift your focus to the things that really matter, and can create a much deeper impact.
Our tradition of creating an “awards ceremony” was continued this year!
It was SO exciting and inspiring to watch the LONG line of attendees waiting to walk across the stage and be recognized for their milestone!
There were so many Funnel Hackers who had reached different milestones during the last calendar year (basically, between FHL 2019 to FHL 2020).
But we also wanted to do something very special this year...
Not only were so many of our Funnel Hackers reaching milestone successes, but we saw that they were also giving back, and creating a major IMPACT on people’s lives!
That’s something we care deeply about, and we wanted to recognize and celebrate that!
So we created a brand NEW award…
We called it the “Two Comma HEART” award, and presented it to our first recipients, Alex and Leila Hermozi, for DONATING over $1 Million of their funnel income to charitable causes.
Each year, we invite Stu and Amy McLaren back to Funnel Hacking LIVE to update us on the progress that’s happening inside the rural Kenyan villages we support.
One of the highlights at FHL each year is presenting them with a donation check, so they can grow their mission! We donate $1 for every funnel that is built by our ClickFunnels users...and at FHL 2020, we got to present a check for $208,428!
Throughout the 4-day event, we made a very special offer where attendees could donate to Operation Underground Railroad, and help us continue the fight to end child trafficking…and receive some incredible bonuses from ClickFunnels as a ‘thank you!’
We also auctioned off a beautiful hand-made ClickFunnels quilt created by my mom, that went for $50,000 - and the proceeds all went to charity!
In total, we as a community raised $717,021 in just 4 days to give back to some of the missions that we continue to be so passionate about!
We planned a few extra guest speakers that NOBODY knew about, which was so fun! One of our favorite moments of the whole event was when they walked out on stage, and the audience started to catch on to what was happening - they went crazy with excitement!
Frank is an “OG” online marketer and is tremendously respected for all the value he’s added to the internet marketing world. When the stage doors opened, and he started walking out, the crowd was so excited!
He shared the secret behind “Selling MORE Stuff On The Internet”, and explained in detail why your INCOME is directly proportional to the amount of GOODWILL you have with your audience. He said that your business should focus on:
Julius is a mega-influencer known for his viral magic and illusion videos! He surprised and shocked the entire audience when he came out during our FunnelFlix presentation...and even did a magic trick with me LIVE on stage!
He shared with us “The Magic Of Going Viral” - including 2 core secrets to his success, and how he built an audience of 20 Million followers on social media: Content, and Distribution!
Tom is the author of “Impact Theory”, and founder of the nutrition company QUEST, which he sold for $1 Billion! Tom shared his powerful and emotional story with the audience about the MANY failures that led to his overwhelming success.
Ryan is an internet marketer and author of “Ego Is The Enemy”, “The Obstacle Is The Way”, and “Trust Me, I’m Lying”. Ryan spoke to our attendees about how to create art that lasts far beyond itself...and how to use it to build a LEGACY that will impact the people you serve for decades to come.
Prince EA is a mega-influencer with over 2 Billion on Facebook and YouTube alone, and a social reach of over 20.2 Million!
He was the perfect speaker to share with us what it takes to make content go VIRAL!
After he presented, we got to see the premiere of his latest video (that went viral), called ‘Employee Teaches BOSS A Lesson’, which at the end, encourages others to read Expert Secrets to find their message that will inspire others!
We wanted our attendees to keep their momentum and energy strong long after the event was over… So we invited Tony to join us for the 3rd time at FHL! Tony worked with our attendees for HOURS, getting the entire ballroom in ‘peak state’ so he could create change that lasted year-round!
After Tony Robbins got everyone into peak state, there was one thing left to do before we closed out the 4-day event…
I wanted everyone to always REMEMBER what it felt like in that moment - how inspired, encouraged, supported, and reignited they felt!
So we had all the attendees in the room take a few minutes and write a letter to their future self, explaining why they need to stay committed to their business, even though challenges will arise. Each person’s letter was different and deeply personal to them and their situation. For 5 minutes, all you could hear was some background music, and pen being put to paper. It was such an overwhelming and emotional exercise, many in the room were in tears as they walked out of the ballroom for the last time, and headed home to begin IMPLEMENTING what they had learned over the 4 days.